Q: Do you test Soil?
A: Soil testing for Agricultural purposes is done by private soil testing labs.
In NY, Agro-One offers soil test packages and nutrient guidelines to meet the diverse needs of commercial crop producers and home owners here in the Northeast.* New York customers also have the option of an Agro-One analysis with Cornell recommendations.
Agro-One soil sampling boxes and forms are available at the SWCD office at no charge-payment is made directly to the soil lab.
If you are a participating farmer in our AEM program, you may qualify for free soil testing via the District…contact our office to learn more.
For simple gardening pH tests, contact the Cornell Cooperative Extension office at 561-7450.
Q: How about Water?
A: Water testing for home owners is done by private testing labs. If you have a rural residential well, you may qualify to get free well water testing done by the Clinton County Health Department…visit their website to learn more. Locally, samples can be brought to Endyne